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BASIC A.S.P. ATTACKS & DEFENSES 1. Left hand against right wrist, normal grip, other direction 2. Left hand against right wrist, reverse grip with pull, other direction 3. Right hand against right wrist, normal grip, other direction 4. Right hand against right wrist, reverse, grip, other direction 5. Two hands against one wrist from above, normal grip, other direction, detail from above attack 6. Two hands against one wrist from below, normal grip, other direction, detail from below attack 7. Two hands against two wrists before normal grip is secured 8. Two hands against two wrists normal grip is secured, other direction, detail 9. Handshake 10. Handshake with pull, other direction 11. One hand lapel grab with pull, before, secured, before other direction, secured other direction 12. Double lapel grab with intent to head-but or shake, before, secured, before other direction, secured other direction 13. Sleeve grab and pull, before, secured, before other direction, secured other direction 14. Sleeve grab and forward push 15. Belt grab and forward pull, before, secured, secured other direction 16. Hair grab before, secured, secured other direction, detail 17. Front bearhug over arms, before, secured, before other direction, secured other direction, detail 18. Front bearhug under arms, before, secured, before other direction, secured other direction 19. Front headlock. before, secured, secured other direction 20. Shove against chest or shoulders, secured other direction 21. One hand choke, before, before other direction, secured, secured other direction 22. Two hands choke, before, before other direction, secured, secured other direction 23. Down or side strike, other direction 24. Reverse strike to the face, other direction 25. Punch to the face, other direction 26. Boxer getting ready to box, other direction 27. Jab by boxer, other direction 28. Direct kick 29. Circular kick, other direction 30. Front Tackle, before, before other direction, secured 1, secured 2 31. Overarm bearhug from behind, before, before other direction, secured 32. Underarm bearhug from behind, other direction 33. Two Hands against two wrists from behind, other direction 34. Elbow pin from behind, other direction 35. Nelson (full or half), before, before other direction, secured, secured other direction 36. Mugging attack, other direction 37. Nape push 38. Side headlock, before, before other direction, secured, secured other direction 39. Downward stabbing attack, other direction 40. Side slash, other direction 41. Knife thrust, other direction 42. Attack with a knife from a distance, other direction 43. Hold-up with a handgun at half-distance, other direction 44. Hold-up with a handgun from a distance, other direction 45. Gun whiplash to face, other direction 46. Hold-up from behind turning to closed side, other direction, turning to open side, other direction 47. Downward attack with a chair overhead, other direction, from the side, other direction 48. Encirclement by several opponents 49. Running attack from behind push-up, knee-groin throw 50. Attack while sitting on chair, other direction
51. Stretch and twist 52. Concentration/Relaxation 53. Abdominal Contraction 54. Mock breathing 55. Rhythmic Breathing 56. Reed 57. Locomotive 58. Bellows 59. Figure Four 60. l and Y 61. Vibrator 62. Water intake
63. Defenses from the ground, first situation (farthest) - log roll basic, advanced, other direction 64a. Second situation (far) one leg between attackers forward leg - groin kick/log roll takedown, other direction 64b. Second situation (far) one leg between attackers back leg - knee-groin throw, other direction 65a. Third situation (closer) close to side reaching down to choke (closest leg forward) - leg takedown/lock, other direction 65b. Third situation (closer) close to side reaching down to choke (furthest leg forward) - knee-groin throw/lock, other direction 66. Fourth situation (closest) - method of general applicability 67. Jumping dodge, other direction 68. Dropping dodge, other direction 69. Pivoting dodge, other direction 70. Defense against a right low direct kick to left shinbone - lifting leg and counter 71. Variation - sliding leg and counter 72. Counter - side of foot kick counter attack as in 70 and 71 above 73. Stop kick 74. Against a high direct kick to the groin, other direction 75. Method of general applicability by changing guard and dodging 76. Against a circular kick - knee-groin throw, other direction 77. Against a circular kick - variation of 76 - lifting the leg, other direction 78. Against a circular kick - second variation of 76 - hammer/side of foot kick 79. Against a circular kick - same as 78 with a rolling defense THROWS T1. Nape throw T2. Leg drive T3. Knee/groin throw T4. Outer direct tripping T5. Inner direct tripping T6. Outer reverse tripping, T7. Inner reverse tripping T8. Barrel throw T9. Inner flywheel T10. Outer & standing flywheel T11. Propeller throw T12. Lift punch (uppercut) throw T13. Crotch throw
W1. Outer wrist twist W2. Spinning outer wrist twist W3. Inner wrist twist W4. Finger spread W5. Reverse wrist pull W6. Reverse wrist push W7. Reverse wrist crush W8. Thumb crush W9. Standing wrist crush W10. Kneeling wrist crush
E1. Extended control face down-sitting E2. Extended control face down-kneeling E3. Extended control face down-standing E4. Extended elbow control face up E5. Bent elbow control face down E6. Bent elbow control face down-no hands E7a. & 7b. Bent elbow control face up
P1. Axial pin P2. Inverted axial pin P3. Diagonal pin P4. Lateral pin P5. Riding pin
C1. Front standing C2. Front standing C3. Front choke on the ground C4. Rear noose C5. Figure four choke C6. Forearm and collar choke C7. Rolling choke
TO1. Standing TO2. Pulling back TO3. On all fours TO4. On all fours
L1. Standing leg stretch L2. Cross leg crush L3. Double leg stretch L4. Leg stretch from below L5. Leg counter stretch L6. Leg control from the rear
1. Basic pattern (footwork only) sequence 2. Kicking/Punching/Pivoting sequence 3. The star pattern (kickboxing) 4. Take down sequence 5. Grappling sequence 6. Stickfighting sequence 7. Advanced reversal and counter attack sequence
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