Home of America's first Mixed Martial Art Training Method for the Entire Family Black Belt IV
| BLACK BELT FOURTH DEGREE (BB IV), A.S.P. PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM. To expand previous knowledge with one more throw and its combinations with previous throws and to train in essential kickboxing. A preliminary exercise comprises a series of kicks performed standing on one leg and kicking in all directions of the compass without setting the kicking foot down. The same sequence is performed with the other foot (Combination sequence -- Comsek- III). The primary source of information for A.S.P. Kickboxing is taken directly from: FROM NOW ON WE FOCUS ON WHAT NORMALLY HAPPENS IN ACTUAL CONFRONTATIONS WHERE FIRST BLOWS ARE EXCHANGED, THEN PEOPLE MAY GO TO THE GROUND (GRAPPLING - BB V) AND THIS KNOWLEDGE IS COMPLEMENTED WITH STICKFIGHTING (BB VI). A STICK IS THE SIMPLEST AND MOST INCONSPICUOUS WEAPON ONE MAY CARRY. IT BECOMES A FORMIDABLE ONE IN THE HANDS OF ANYONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO USE IT. |