Home of America's first Mixed Martial Art Training Method for the Entire Family Black Belt V
| BLACK BELT FIFTH DEGREE (BB V), A.S.P. PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM: This program comprises a number of selected grappling techniques and combinations thereof, within the specific scope of A.S.P. While A.S.P. is ALSO a sport, IT IS MEANT TO BE ESSENTIALLY A COMBATIVE SELF-PROTECTIVE ART. In this context, grappling is treated as part of a well-rounded knowledge and not necessarily as an extremely specialized discipline. Most attacks are initiated from a standing position and degenerate into grappling only when neither of the combatants can subdue the other standing. Attacks on the defender in the lying position are rather uncommon. A.S.P. techniques are arranged so as to facilitate study, assimilation, and retention. They are described at three levels of increased complexity. Starting with the simplest ones in the basic program, where no controls (chokes, locks and pins) are included, because they are not indispensable for simple and effective self-protection. Only a few ground techniques were introduced so far, dealing specifically with warding off an attack and getting back on one s feet as soon as possible. Then, the student was prepared for the application of controlling techniques; a few more effective throws were studied and technique combinations (assuming the first one misses) were introduced. Next, single and combined controls were studied, and the student s kicking ability was refined, while kickboxing per se became part of the program. Now, we are ready to top it all with a number of well selected grappling techniques and combinations. Some of the most practical elements of grappling are studied best in a combination sequence, or Comseks IV & V (Grappling). Primary controls, or pins, are considered mainly as intermediate means for the application of other techniques, which will either keep the opponent under more effective control or make him yield. Indeed, while useful in the practice of grappling as a sport, pins are not very effective as means of combat. In A.S.P. grappling, we are also following the guidelines involving the systematic application of the Five Principles. Complexity and the description of great numbers of possible combinations are avoided as much as practical: the student should be able to devise on his own a great many combinations with what he will learn. A.S.P. grappling starts from the standing position. In its sport A.S.P., A allows D to throw him with practically any of the A.S.P. throws, and connects from there. For combat situations, however, we are studying also means to deliberately getting the opponent to the ground, should we see fit for any reason to chose this alternative. The following general guidelines are helpful in grappling: 1. move parallel to the mat, when possible, so as to avoid vertical forces. This is easier than opposing them head on; 2. when you do not know what to do, move in the direction your opponent cannot stop you from moving; 3. when possible, move your body to achieve a desired result, rather than your opponent's; 4. bring your hips to bear against your opponent; 5. always attempt to control his hips; 6. position yourself for effective action against opponent's body "angles", such as knees, elbows, and shoulders; 7. defend by using your own "angles"; 8. keep your legs and hips "fluid", and moving independently from the upper part of your body. Use the latter to apply vertical pressure on your opponent. Tensing your abdomen and pushing it out helps on both accounts; 9. avoid turning your back on the opponent, except in very transient situations; and 10. keep your mind "fluid" and move along with opportunities. Avoid freezing in any given position. In this program pins, chokes, arm-locks wrist-locks neck-locks, and leg-locks (under the name controls) are studied as well as the means to defend against them.