Home of America's first Mixed Martial Art Training Method for the Entire Family Child Sex Abuse
CHILD SEX ABUSE Child molestation is a worldwide problem, which has surfaced recently and cannot be ignored any longer. Frightened children are inflicted emotional, and sometimes physical wounds, which leave permanent scars. Some are trapped in prostitution or grow up to similarly victimize another generation of children. Parents should learn first, and then teach their children how to protect themselves against sex abuse. While there is no stereotype of a child molester, very frequently he is a male who is not a stranger to the child. Alcohol abuse is also a very common contributing factor in cases of incest. The most usual child molestation involves seduction, rather than violence, and a common characteristic among pedophiles (child molesters) is great patience. Once the child is seduced, patience gives way to blackmail and threats. Photographs, violence against animals or inanimate objects are often used to terrorize a child to submission. Parents should watch for behavioral changes in their children. These may relate to school performance, inordinate displays of sexuality, changes in eating habits, sleep, precocious questions on sex, inflammation in the genital area and a fear of strangers. Against the possibility of molestation, parents can take some useful steps. They should be prepared to discuss sexuality openly with their children together. The purpose of genitals should be explained to the youngsters and their right to privacy should be emphasized. They should not allow anyone to touch them. A hug and kiss by Mom or Dad, Sis, or Brother is one thing, but bad touches in areas of the body which are private should not be permitted. If someone touches them in wrong ways, youngsters should be prepared to scream NO! and run to tell their parents what happened. Anything relating to attempts to touch their private parts, taking off their clothes, taking photographs, or talking about sex should never be kept a secret, but should be reported to the parents at once. a. Never dress children in a provocative, adult-like, clothing which can sexually stimulate pedophiles. b. Don t force children to hug and kiss anyone if this makes them uncomfortable. Even if that person is a relative. c. Convey a feeling of total support to your children. They must be convinced of your total reliability as a parent. d. Never leave them in anyone's care that you have not thoroughly investigated as being completely reliable. Parents should introduce their children to people they can trust. e. Finally, set a good example for your children to follow. Keep pornography out of your home. Keep your sexual activities for the bedroom and you and your wife behave in a reserved manner in front of the children. Immoral character reflects on the children and so does self-restraint. If your behavior is questionable do not expect your children to be paragons of virtue. |
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