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by Dr. Evan S. Baltazzi, March 2003.


1.These special exercises are to be performed at will together or individually, independently of each other, as convenient. Maximum benefit will be derived when performed daily. The aggregate duration is about 15min. Consistency is most important.

2. Sixteen years ago I was diagnosed with macular degeneration, when I developed these exercises. My doctor thought they would not help. Now he says to keep doing them. Line distortion is barely perceptible and my central vision and overall vision are normal.

3. When standing keep feet at shoulder width, relax and let your weight settle down

4. All repetitions are double and ambidextrous. Numbers of repetitions are only suggestions

5. When you work out with whatever routine, practice these exercises AFTER the workout as a means to return to calm

6. The great benefits derived from the Relaxation/Concentration exercise would enhance the overall results

7. An optional TAICHI A.S.P. Comsek is given here for those who might be interested in adding it to these exercises.


1. Reaching for the sky. Stretch alternatively the right and left sides going on your toes. X10.

2. Long swing. Swing right and left, arms loose, letting your eyes wander. The room will appear spinning. X200 (count on your fingers series of tens)

3. Head rotations. Slowly rotate head clockwise then anticlockwise. Let the eyes wander. X50

4. Field of vision. Focus straight ahead to infinity. Rotate hands near the head in two perpendicular planes, palms facing forward, in two opposing circles. Bend knees slightly with each rotation. X10. Reverse direction. X10. Your field of vision should encompass your hands and fingers, as they are moving.

5. Forward stroke. Swimming stroke. Eyes soft focus alternately on the thumbnail of the moving downward hand as the head turns alternately right and left. X25

6. Back stroke. Similarly. Be sure to stay loose, with the shoulders and arms relaxed X25

7. Infinity. Draw in front of you the infinity sign (number eight lying on its side) with both arms palms facing each other like holding a ball. Soft focus on a thumbnail. X25

8. Elbow rotations. Extend both arms ahead of you shoulder wide. Rotate forearms away from you. X20. Then toward you. Keep wrists loose and rotating in the same direction. X20.

9. Wrist rotations. Arms by your sides. Bend wrists fully and rotate them in two opposing circles X10, then reverse the rotation.

10. Wrist twist. Hands in front of chest, palm of one hand against the back of the other, thumb tip below the pinky. Twist away from you. X30. Change hands.

11. Wrist crush. Hands and elbows at shoulder height. Press palm against the back of the other hand, fingers pointing ahead. Rotate away from you. X30. Toward you. X30. Change hands.

12. Sitting bends. Sit on a chair, shins and thighs at right angles, feet parallel. Slide fingers of both hands against the external part of the opposite calf and alternate. For example right fingers on the left calf, left fingers above the right. Reach all the way to the heel. X30

13. Knee lifts. Stand relaxed, lift one knee high and pull with both ands on lower shin. X15 each side.

14. Concentration-Relaxation. Practice daily.
People in wheelchairs and other handicaps can use all above with minimal modifications.

15. Optional Tai-chi A.S.P. Comsek I.

Stand at ease facing north. Breathe in; count 10, hold count 3, breathe out count 12.
Practice the following “before” techniques in that sequence. Motions are slow and flowing, elbow jabs are shown with both hands facing each other as if holding a ball. Motions in extension per inner light (see book)
Against a reaching for a lapel
Against a push
Follow with a W-1
Swimming deflection
Against an arm around the waist
Against an arm around the shoulders
Sleeve grab
Choke against a wall
Bear hug from behind
Overhead strike (W-3)
Dropping dodge
Deflect and lead into W-1
Deflect and lead in an uppercut throw
End up facing north.
Breathe per beginning.




Evan S. Baltazzi

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