The American Self Protection Association, Inc.

Home of America's first Mixed Martial Art Training Method for the Entire Family


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Group 25 Group25.JPG (21551 bytes) Group 26 Group27.JPG (61743 bytes) Group 27

Group 28 Group28.JPG (817684 bytes) Group 29 Group 30

Group 31 Group 32 Group 33

Group 34 Group 35 Group 36  

Group 37 session6.JPG (143549 bytes)

A.S.P. All-State Tournament - Mon Valley YMCA, Belle Vernon, Pa, 1980-81-82:

Group 12 Group12.JPG (76542 bytes) Group 13 Group13.JPG (71871 bytes) Tournament 1 tournament1.JPG (38913 bytes)  

Tournament 2 tournament2.JPG (101285 bytes) Tournament 3 tournament3.JPG (30216 bytes)



Group 1:  March 10, 2001: Aikido of Akron 16th Promotion Test

Top Left: Jim Baltazzi (4th DBB), Rick Strong (Red 3), Dr. Baltazzi, Troy Schultz (7th DBB)

Craig Dunn (Red 4), Johnathan Strolpoli (Brown 2) 

Bottom Left: Brian Day (Red 3), Tom Lawson (Red 3), Edward Pelz (Brown 2)

Group 2:   Fall 1998: Evening Training at Dr. Baltazzi's Home

Top Left: Paul Mandzak (7th DBB), Dr. Baltazzi (President & Founder A.S.P.), 

Troy Schultz (7th DBB), Jim Baltazzi (4th DBB) 

Bottom Left: Jim Phillips (7th DBB), Pete Metropulos (5th DBB)


Group 3: A.S.P. First Official Promotional Test - LaGrange YMCA 1965 


Group 4-8: A.S.P. Tournament Participants & Winners - LaGrange YMCA


Group 9: Chicago A.S.P. Group 1969


Group 10: South Carolina A.S.P.: This photo was taken in March 1979 at the first ASP seminar ever held in SC. From left to right standing: Lee Gregory, David Suddeth, Joe Fulmer, Dr. Baltazzi, David Moore, and Craig McCauley. From Left to right kneeling: Steve Brown, Don Garrick, Skip Smith, and Wayne Davis.


Group 11: A.S.P. Group - LaGrange YMCA 1968


Group 12: Winners of All-States Tournament Winners, Mon Valley YMCA, Belle Vernon, Pa, 1976


Group 13:  All-States Tournament, Mon Valley YMCA, Belle Vernon, Pa, 1976


Group 14:  Training Seminar Mon Valley YMCA, Belle Vernon, Pa, 1977


Group 15:  Black-Belt Training Seminar From Various States - Northfield, Ohio 1978


Group 16:  Training Seminar - Berwin, Illinois 1981


Group 17-18-19:  Black-Belt Training Seminar From Various States - Northfield, Ohio 1980


Group 20: First A.S.P. Championships - 12/17/1967; LaGrange YMCA.


Group 21:  First A.S.P. Officers - 1965 - Jack Rubin, Sandra Belle Isle, Duanne Marquardt, Evan Baltazzi


Group 22: Winners from Provisor YMCA A.S.P. Tournament 1969


Group 23: Winners from LaGrange YMCA A.S.P. Tournament 1968


Group 24: Winners from Joliet YMCA - Joliet, Illinois - 1969 


Group 25: Winners from Chicago Judo Tournament 1965 - Duanne Marquardt, Evan Baltazzi, Don Miner


Group 26: Group Photo Madison, Wisconsin YMCA 1969

Group 27: Baltazzi's French Students Le Plessis-Robinson,  Seine-et-Oise, France

Group 28: Baltazzi Captain Oxford U. (U.K.) Team 1952-1954

Group 29: Baltazzi's Canadian Students in Ottawa, On. YMCA 1956

Group 30: Baltazzi's BB VI Promotion - Michael & Kees from Holland 1990

Group 31: LaGrange Junior Competition Winners 1968

Group 32: LaGrange Junior Competition Winners 1969

Group 33: LaGrange Children's Classes 1969

Group 34: LaGrange Children's Classes 1970

Group 35: LaGrange Children's Classes 1970

Group 36: Dr. Baltazzi's Indian Students - Ludhiana India (PB) 1991

Group 37: A.S.P. Kees Tempel (BBVI ASP) and Students in Eindhoven, Holland 


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