Home of America's first Mixed Martial Art Training Method for the Entire Family Tai Chi (A.S.P.)
IF YOU DIRECT YOURSELF WITH DILIGENCE SKILL WILL. TAKE CARE OF ITSELF (Tai chi chuan of the Ming Dynasty). Since the dawn of his existence, man concerned himself with self-protection. First in the form of self-preservation and self-defense from the elements, animals, and enemies, then against sickness and finally in search of general well being. Man soon realized the close relationship and mutual interaction of mind and body and tried to find ways to keep it in good order. Tai chi chuan is the Chinese answer to these universal concerns. The doctrine of Chi has its counterpart in the prana of the yogas and the ki of the Japanese. It is thought to be a vital force differentiated from the life force. Chi is considered to be the rhythm of nature sustaining life. Tai chi is the duality of opposites (Yin and Yang) in harmonious relationship holding in balance what is separated. Chuan means fist in Chinese terms, concentration, isolation, containment, rather than aggressiveness There are many Chuans. These are mind-controlled exercises aimed at mental and physical coordination and man's total health. They are claimed to calm the mind and to regulate the emotions. As in yoga and other disciplines, breathing is an important concern. There are four main styles (Pai) of Tai Chi Chuan practiced today: Yang, Wu, Ho, and Sun, The novel style of Chuan (A.S.P.) is particularly suited for people with modest physical abilities. The topics studied relate to the practical use of the Chi. They concern themselves first with the basic A.S.P. self-defense (First degree Black Belt A.S.P. program) that includes also psychosomatic and breathing exercises as well as other aspects of self-protection. Each self-defense technique is studied in tandem with its A.S.P. counterpart; thus practical knowledge is gained. Tai chi techniques are performed with slow rhythmic motions in full concentration projecting chi and relate to the key kinesiological elements (elements of motion) of the self-defense techniques. The former are known as very short forms. Thus TAI CHI CHUAN (A.S.P.) PROVIDES A WELL-ROUNDED MEANINGFUL AND ACCESSIBLE PRACTICAL SELF-DEFENSE ALONG WITH THE BENEFITS OF MIND-BODY COORDINATION DERIVED FROM THE USE OF CHI. This A.S.P. form of Tai chi aims at total personal development joining body mind and spirit in order to achieve a more fulfilling life. Exercises are aimed at increasing your energy and vitality by naturally aligning the body structure thus enabling it to move more freely with increased agility balance and grace. It stretches and strengthens the entire body by balancing the flow of internal energy, thus increasing internal strength. 1. Purpose of this course: To impart very practical, very useful knowledge for wellness. This is the realm of many opinions, yet it deals with facts to be experienced. 2. Beware of black or white statements. The truth about health statistics is that they are unreliable because the sampling to which they refer is hardly ever representative of the whole under study. The only exception relates to epidemiological statistics. Each one of us is the ultimate benchmark and the proof of the pudding is in the eating. 3. No one under contract with God and gurus also die. No one dies of good health: 4. Dress comfortably, wear soft-shoes that allow one to glide on the floor, and bring an area mat or rug for you to lie on. Those who find it difficult may sit on a chair but they will benefit somewhat less. 5. This is not a ballet or a karate class. The course consists of self-contained bundles of knowledge and has benefited many. You do not have to do an exercise if you find it difficult, which is rather unlikely, or at the speed or rhythm of anyone else. We believe in individual performance. You do what you want to do. If you have any qualms about an exercise, ask your doctor. If you feel strain stop and take deep breaths as we shall see. 6. If you are not convinced of anything or have questions, do not hesitate to ask or even to argue. We share with you facts to be experienced; not opinions and we are free of the Grand Master complex. Trial yields proof. 7 You are on the right track if at the end of any physical exercise you are feeling pleasantly tired but not fatigued. If you experience any muscle soreness it should not last more than two days. Else you are overdoing it. However, the tai chi A.S.P. exercises are performed slowly and in relaxation and it is unlikely to experience any discomfort. Dr. Evan S. Baltazzi |
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