Home of America's first Mixed Martial Art Training Method for the Entire Family Brown III
| 10.0 BROWN BELT THIRD GRADE PROGRAM Requirements: All the previous, plus the following. PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM: Learning defenses from the ground, special attack dodging techniques, and defenses against kicks. 10.1 DEFENSES FROM THE GROUND In this book we shall study only those defenses which provide the possibility of escaping an attack when on the ground, while allowing us to retaliate. Grappling in itself is studied as a separate subject. Assuming that you are on the ground, you can keep an opponent at bay by pointing at him your feet and legs. With knees close to the body, lift head and torso off the ground, shift on one of your sides and use forearms, elbows and hands to spin on your buttocks, so as to always point the feet at an opponent. The feet may be used not only to parry and deliver kicks, but also as we shall see, for throws. Should he get so close as to prevent you from spinning, then cross forearms and tuck in chin to protect the windpipe. In this "porcupine" position it becomes easier to defend. However, the best defense is to keep opponent at bay. If you become proficient at spinning and using your feet you can defend with some chances of success even against a knife wielding attacker. The best way to get up from the ground and gain distance also is with a back roll. Let us now consider four situations differing mainly in terms of distance between D and A, going from the farthest to the closest. In the first situation, D can control A with his feet alone. Then A comes closer and D can control him with his lower legs, then A is over D's side, and finally, he is on top of D as in a grappling situation. #63. First Situation (farthest). (Fig 63-1) D is on the ground and his attacker rushes at him from the direction of the left or the right shoulder. According to a general principle in ASP, D reacts only after the attacker is fully committed to his attack and has developed enough momentum. D must realize that he cannot roll faster than A can run, therefore A's commitment is essential before D starts rolling. D extends his arms above the head and with extended legs, rolls sideways, away from A, as far as necessary to pivot and face him (side roll and pivot). At the end of the roll, D protects his groin and throat with bent legs and elbows. A is now on the side of D's feet. This technique is very versatile and quite efficacious, but we give here only one of several possible applications. Suppose for instance that D attacks A's right leg with his right foot. With foot bent upwards in the direction of the toes, D hooks A's right heel from the outside. Simultaneously, with the side of his left foot, D kicks the inner side of A's right knee. This will throw A down violently. As A is falling, D keeps A's right foot still hooked, and coordinates his motions with A, so as to get up as the latter lands, ready for further retaliation. Alternatively, he may get up with a back roll. ![]() #64. Second Situation (far). (Fig 64-1) Similar to the previous, only now A is closer and reaches for D. D stretches his legs so that one of A's legs, for instance the right, is between them. D kicks with the right instep the inside of A's right thigh (or groin, if warranted) and, by applying a scissor like action with the legs, the inside against the inside of A's thigh and the outside at the level of A's ankle, D grabs A's arms and rolls leftward, to the outside of A's captured leg. A will fall on his head and right shoulder. This scissor like thrust must be directed up and around, mainly with D's right leg, which has delivered the blow to A's groin. In practice, D helps and guides A into a right forward roll. ![]() #65. Third Situation (closer). (Fig 65-1,2) Suppose now that the attacker is on D's right side, close enough for D to control his right leg by the trousers, or otherwise under his right armpit. D kicks A's abdomen, or groin, with the left heel and throws him, facilitating his fall by bending the right thigh behind A's right heel. After A falls, D may kick him again in the groin with his left heel and get up with a back roll. +In any of the three first situations, D may roll away and kick in order to stop A. He may then use A's reaction to proceed with one of the described techniques. ![]() ![]() #66. Fourth Situation (closest). In order to illustrate the difference between other fighting sports and ASP, we consider the case of judo immobilizations. These can practically always be broken by the application of pressure or striking techniques on the vital points mentioned in this book. In short, judo is mainly a sport, while ASP is also a fighting art. 10.2 DODGING TECHNIQUES Since an important part of self-protection entails getting out of the way, or out of the reach of an assailant, particular emphasis is placed on dodging techniques. They all have in common to induce the attacker to commit himself to a course of action, so that it will not be possible for him to easily change the direction of his attack. The body does not move initially as a block, but first the part under attack moves away from it, so as to lead the attacker to commit himself. Only then the rest of the body shifts in appropriate fashion to complete the dodging technique. #67. Jumping Dodge. (Fig 67-1,2,3) An extremely versatile technique, the "Jumping Dodge" applies to all standing attacks. It has been described briefly in relation to technique #42. Here we describe it in more detail on the right side. Suppose A rushes toward D for any kind of attack of the reaching or striking type. D withdraws the right foot and lifts the right hand level with his opponent's eyes, fingers spread apart, thumb bent and tucked under the palm, as if he were about to strike A's eyes. If D thinks that the situation calls for it, he may do so. Bringing about a reaction on A's part is all he really wants. With right arm extended, D shifts his weight onto the right (rear) leg, lifts the left knee bent, thigh parallel to the ground and, gathering momentum, jumps back and around toward his rear left (counter clockwise), he is now in a position perpendicular to the direction of the attack. Without losing height, D's left knee swings out and around like a flywheel, to help him in this change of direction, D sets his left foot behind the right and, without stopping the momentum his arms have gathered, he swings them back, around and forward, as he steps forward into left rolling kick aimed at his opponent's crotch. A was attacking D in a given direction and, after he had committed himself to that direction, D changed to a perpendicular one. Now, if A attempts to redirect his attack, he will be momentarily unbalanced and wide open for retaliation. It is very important for D to react at the last possible moment, when A's attack is almost there: keeping calm and relaxed is essential. It takes some practice to master this technique, but it is well worth the effort, particularly since it applies to cases where D does not care to come to close quarters with his attacker. If D does not wish to roll and kick, he may let his momentum carry him one or two more sliding steps back. It is easy to gain thus a lot of distance for any purpose D chooses. As D reestablishes himself from his forward roll, he uses a heel spear to protect himself from any attack from the rear. ![]() ![]()
#68. Dropping Dodge. (Fig 68-1) Described briefly as applied to technique #47, this dodge allows D to get behind his opponent, and is particularly useful against striking attacks. Suppose A swings at D with his right. D moves his head back and away from the attack, as he thrusts both arms, hands overlapping like a protective wedge, in the direction of A's face. With the right foot D takes a big step outside A's left leg and drops low, left knee almost touching the ground. A misses D who, either starts moving away in the direction of his first step, or pivots around ready for retaliation. A must mean his attack and keep his momentum to give D a chance to apply the technique; A must carry his momentum to a forward breakfall or roll. The resulting smooth movement will help both partners to practice meaningfully. ![]() #69. Pivoting Dodge. (Fig 69-1,2) This dodge is used throughout basic ASP. It develops smooth coordination between the arms legs and body and trains D to place himself on the side and behind his opponent. D may practice this dodge with or without a partner. He stands relaxed, feet apart at shoulder width and swings the arms in front of him in two overlapping circles, as he bends the torso backwards. D will notice that the thrusting circular motion of his extended arms protects his body and head from being hit. At the same time, he steps with the left foot forward and to the left at approximately 45° from the direction he was initially facing; then he pivots to the rear right on the ball of the same foot. D's right foot describes a wide arc ending behind his left foot, which places him on A's side. D keeps the momentum of his arms as they come down, and swings them to the right. He now closes his fists and reverses their motion, swinging now hard to the left in an attack against the face or the abdomen of his opponent. All motions must be smooth and continuous. D will find that practiced upward and downward these simple motions will protect efficiently all his body from the groin up. For the downward motion it is assumed that D's abdomen is under attack and therefore, this is the part of the body he retracts first. A contact between D's arms and the arms of an actual opponent is not necessary for the successful performance of this technique. ![]() ![]() 10.3 AGAINST KICKS Dodging a kick with as little motion as absolutely necessary is desirable so as not to lose ground to the extent of becoming incapable to retaliate. The best dodging techniques let an attack flow by and add its momentum to the impetus of the retaliation. Particular care should be taken not to advance on an attack before dodging it first. Otherwise, if your timing is wrong, you will receive much punishment. Only experts can effectively dodge while moving inside the attacker's defenses. Beginners will do well to learn to dodge first without losing ground and wait for the opponent to come close carried by his own momentum, before retaliating. In the dodges described below, both partners start from the left BTS unless otherwise specified. #70. Against a Right Low Direct Kick to the Left Shinbone. Lift left leg as for a high direct kick. #71. Same Attack. Slide left foot on the floor either to the right or to the left, avoiding an unnecessarily wide motion. #72. Counter. In both cases, D may use the foot he dodges to deliver a side-of-foot kick to A's right (kicking) shinbone. #73. Stop Kick. (Fig 73-1) D may also prevent (stop) A's kick in its preparation by shifting his weight to his rear (right) foot, twisting his body to the right and extending his left leg, toes of the left foot pointing to the right. A's shinbone hits against D's side-of-foot. D must keep his left foot tensed at the ankle just as for a side-of-foot kick. ![]() #74. Against a High Direct Kick to the Groin. (Fig 74-1) Shift forward (left) foot to the right, leading with the hip, so that the attacking (right) foot almost grazes your left buttock. Drop left arm by your left side, wrist turned outward and hand cupped, so as to catch his foot on its way down. Step with left foot to the oblique left and set foot under his right thigh. Retaliate with a right punch to the face or with a throw performed by sweeping his left calf with your right calf in the direction of his left toes. If you cannot step in with the left foot, twist hips to the left and attack with a right side-of-foot kick to the inside of his left (standing) knee. ![]() #75. A Method of General Applicability. You can dodge a kick by retreating and changing stance. For example, from the left BTS slide your left foot behind the right switching to the right BTS. Notice that this removes you from the danger area, but essentially you do not lose ground since your right foot stays in place and all you have to do to return to your initial position, is to slide back the left foot. This dodge is very efficient and versatile and it is particularly recommended for beginners. #76. Against a Circular Kick. As opponent kicks with the right foot, take a big step with the right foot to your oblique right, moving in the same direction, but away from the kick. At the end of this step you find yourself at the level of his knee. Then, take a step to your oblique left with the left foot, ducking low under the attacking leg, and throw him with a "Knee Throw" #77. Same Attack. Alternatively, you may throw him by lifting from under the attacking leg with your shoulders. #78. Same Attack. As A kicks with the right foot, D dodges the kick by changing BTS from left to right and strikes with his right side of fist A's foot behind the heel, in the direction of the kick. The impetus of the blow added to the momentum of the kick, will make A spin toward his left and present his back to D. The latter retaliates with a jumping side-of-foot kick, either on A's small of back, or on the back of his left knee. A is thus thrown violently. ![]() 10.4 HINTS FOR WOMEN Women are, by nature, muscularly weaker than men and, with some exceptions, much less prone to physical violence. Usually, they find it repulsive to hurt someone physically and to resort to violent and severe measures. Any meaningful training for women must take this into account; lack of muscular strength is much less of a handicap to women than this mental attitude. Numerous examples exist of attacked women hesitating to resort to violent measures until it was too late. It is hesitation combined with lack of strength, more than anything else, that makes women vulnerable. Because of this, building conditioned reflexes is perhaps more important for women than for men. They must pay particular attention to the dodging techniques so that they can foil an attack before major bodily contact. If the attacker does not attempt physical contact and asks only for money, or some other relatively unimportant object, a woman often will be better off to part with it, rather than be exposed to attack. However, if such an attack is attempted, her reaction should be immediate, with all the determination at her disposal. She may have only one chance, and hesitation could be fatal. Developing this attitude is the most difficult part of self-protection for women, and no effort should be spared to condition them mentally to this effect. A determined woman fighting all out will deter many an assailant. Screaming is a powerful tool, whether anyone will hear you or not,, but it is helpful in conjunction with action. Screaming without going into action, particularly if you know that no one will hear you, will do more harm than good. It is appropriate to mention here that there is no secret formula and no pat answer for all situations. As long as a bodily attack has not been attempted, try to act self-assured and relaxed, to try to talk your attacker out of action. Unless you want to deceive him and thus make him more vulnerable to a decisive attack, never let him come close to you or touch you; do so without acting panicky. Keeping your distance is essential. Do not make the mistake of throwing projectiles which can be easily dodged. or which will not incapacitate: you will only succeed in angering him. Eventually you will run out of things to throw, and he will catch you. Do not use your shoes as projectiles, because losing them may hamper your flight; besides, you can use them more efficiently at close quarters. Do not take them off unless they have high heels. The first thing to do, if you are not impeded by your garments and high heels, is to run for safety. If he runs faster than you and is about to catch you, roll, then get up and start running in the opposite direction. You can be prepared for an eventual attack at all times by carrying in your purse a small container of pepper with a snap-on plastic cap. Throw the pepper in his eyes. Alternatively, a small aerosol can any unpleasant spray aimed at the eyes will discourage many an attacker; at the very least it will give you a head start for running. If you have at your disposal a liquid of any sort, including water, throw it in his eyes: this also will create enough of a diversion for you to start running. There are special products on the market for repelling an aggressor, but they are beyond the scope of this volume. Should the above fail, and your attacker comes closer, then you can use any sharp object at all against his face or groin. The eyes are the preferred target. A very efficient weapon is an umbrella used for thrusting. When you strike with a stick or umbrella, use thrusts in preference to ant, other blows because thrusts are more difficult to parry. Remember that a rolled newspaper or magazine may be used efficiently for thrusting, too. It stands to reason that if your hands are full, you must drop everything except the one item which may be used for thrusting. If nothing like that is available, use your shoe heel, not as a club, but for thrusting only.