Home of America's first Mixed Martial Art Training Method for the Entire Family Undergraduate Ranks
UNDERGRADUATE INTRODUCTION: A.S.P. was developed from the standpoint of principles, rather than using the piecemeal individual technique methods common to most martial arts. During the development of A.S.P., three problems had to be tackled. The first had to do with the selection of attacks, which could realistically occur in today’s world. Next, defensive techniques had to be devised which use a few, very versatile, elements of motion for developing conditioned reflexes by their repeated use against carefully selected attacks. Then, a safe method of training had to be devised, which would prepare the students to react instinctively, safely, and realistically against unrehearsed sequences of attacks. In real life, when the defender foils the initial attack, he may have to use another evasive action in ease of a renewed attack, or to retaliate, if he so chooses. Therefore, one has to address all these possibilities. If the first attack is successful, the defender may not have another chance, and this is why we put a great deal of emphasis on evasive tactics. There is also the fact that there are people who dislike violence and do not care to retaliate. Even they, however, would like to learn to avoid an attack. Sometimes, evasive techniques are enough to discourage an attacker. They are studied in A.S.P. under the name of "before" techniques, in contrast to the "secured" ones, in which the attack has fully materialized. It is unrealistic to assume that one single technique or retaliation will take care of an attacker, so we have adopted a "fail-safe" approach of retaliations and combinations thereof. We believe that the defender must also be given some real choices of severity in retaliation so that he stays within the spirit of the law. It is impossible to teach anyone good judgment, but by giving him real choices we increase his chances of avoiding excesses. We strongly believe in prevention techniques, for these are the most accessible to the greatest number of people and, particularly, weaker people. In undergraduate (below Black Belt) sparring, the student defends against an attacker, who desists of his attack once foiled; then he attacks anew for a few minutes in a non-rehearsed sequence, before changing roles with the defender. In Black Belt sparring, the defender faces two or more attackers in rapid succession, so as to increase his speed of reflex response. In over thirty years of the official existence of A.S.P., we have gathered convincing evidence that this training method prepares one well and safely for real-life situations. A.S.P. emphasizes smooth flowing motions. Blocking is generally avoided because it is not easily accessible to weaker persons and has an adverse effect on speed. Deflections and dodging techniques are extensively used. We do not believe that all situations can be handled indiscriminately with punches and kicks alone, with join twisting techniques alone, or with throws and grappling alone, as some oriental arts seem to preach. Even our basic system follows an integral approach using the most appropriate response to any given attack. This is achieved in a simple, yet effective way accessible to anyone in good health willing to exert himself moderately. A.S.P. affords also a simple, practical way to keep the mind-body relationship in good order. We do not believe in combative knowledge as an end in itself. Again, A.S.P. is concerned also with the legal aspects of self-protection and gives its practitioners real choices to proportion the severity of their retaliation to the potential severity of a given attack. We believe A.S.P. to be a complete and through system of integrated self-protection accessible to most and well suited to the needs of modern man. No one should take our word for it: trial yields proof. A.S.P.A. (name and insignia filed with the U.S. Patent Office, #865,959, March 4, 1969) was formed for the specific purpose to develop and disseminate A.S.P. here and abroad and to conduct research in the field of combative arts and sports. It is fully realized that any self-protective body of knowledge must continuously adapt to a fast changing world in order to keep abreast of all the new hazards imposed upon man by his environment. Red Belt I: Defenses against wrist and hand grips (ten techniques). These are the best suited for introducing the student to the understanding and use of the five principles. Nine of them involve no falls, so the student has the time to perfect his breakfalls. Red Belt II: Defense against unarmed major attacks from the front. No locks and chokes are used throughout the whole Black Belt I program, because they are difficult to master as well as not needed for effective basic self-defense. Three basic throws are included. Red Belt III: Continuation of the above. Defenses against punches and kicks. Red Belt IV: Defenses against major attacks from behind and the side, and defenses against an opponent armed with a knife. Red Belt V: Continuation of the above, plus defenses against a gun from the front and back, and other miscellaneous attacks. Brown Belt I: Review and refinement of all previous techniques. Brown Belt II: PSYCHOSOMATIC EXERCISES for mind-body coordination and selected BASIC STICKFIGHTING TECHNIQUES. Brown Belt III: Defenses on the ground. More dodging techniques. More defenses against kicks.
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