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In order to condition our reflexes to blend stick blows with kicks, A.S.P. has a series of combination sequences or "comseks." These are not to be confused with kata; we are not fighting an opponent who attacks with a predetermined sequence. In fact, we are careful to avoid conditioning our reactions along these lines, because, in real life, this could be a serious handicap. We cannot expect our attacker to follow any particular series of moves. The only purpose of the following comseks is thus to develop balance, coordination, and smooth motions, while carefully avoiding set reactions.  Each sequence is followed by a series of thrusts and slashes, all of which have been previously illustrated.


Sequence 1

Left guard 2 (left foot forward) ; low direct kick with the right foot, set it down; low direct kick with the left foot, set it down, taking the same guard; high direct kick with the right, raising the stick in a symmetrical double-grip parry 1 slightly higher than the forehead; set the right foot down in front of you (Figs. 1-5).
Pivot leftward (counterclockwise). Deliver in rapid succession: a downward two-hand slash, left hand leading at the lower tip and the right hand just above it; a low slash from the right, hands held in the same position; and a two-hand thrust straight ahead of you, right arm forward. Always slash and thrust leading with the hips.


Sequence 2

Left guard 2; low direct kick with the right foot; without setting it down, deliver an instep kick, holding the stick in a vertical position with the right hand (thumb up) below, and the left hand (thumb down) above, as in a symmetrical doublegrip parry 2, but held very close to the body; set the right foot down; twist the hips to the right, changing the position of the hands to a symmetrical double-grip parry 5, which is the same as the preceding one, only held on the other side of the body, left hand below, right hand uppermost; give a left side-of-foot kick and set the foot down forward (Figs. 6-13).  Pivot toward your rear right (clockwise), delivering a right two-hand slash (right hand leading, closest to the trailing tip, with the left hand above it, thumb pointing up) to an upper target; follow with a two-hand thrust, right arm forward, to a middle target; this in turn is followed by a right two-hand slash, the stick being swung from overhead to a low target in a broad leftward motion. For all these moves, the right foot remains forward.


Sequence 3

Right guard 2 (right foot forward) ; low direct kick with the left foot, setting it down forward; twist the hips to the left, bringing the stick into a vertical position, left hand uppermost, right hand below; deliver a right side-of-foot kick; pivot from a pigeon-toed position, giving a circular kick with the left foot, stick still held in the same position; bring the left foot behind the right (Figs. 14-22).  Make a two-hand reverse slash (with the right hand leading at the lower tip, and the left hand above, thumb pointing down directing the stick) ; follow with a right circular spring-slash, right foot forward; give a two-hand reverse slash, leading with the left hand.


Sequence 4

Right guard 2; left low direct kick; set the foot down; right circular kick, the stick held vertically, left hand uppermost, right hand below; pivoting from a pigeon-toed position, give a left side-of-foot kick, stick held in the same position; set the left foot down forward (Figs. 23-31).  Pivot clockwise and deliver a right two-hand reverse slash, right foot forward; without moving the feet, deliver a right circular spring-slash; follow with a two-hand thrust, right arm forward.

Sequence 5

Right guard 2; left side-of-foot kick, stick vertical, right hand uppermost, left hand below; right circular kick, stick held vertically, but with the left hand uppermost, right hand below; then, pivoting from a pigeon-toed position, give a left side-of-foot kick, stick vertical, now held with the right hand above, and set the left foot down forward (Figs. 32-42).  Pivot clockwise and perform a stick dig-in as follows. The left hand is closest to the tip which digs into the target, going from below and then digging upward; the right hand holds the other tip and pulls down, enhancing the digging action; the right foot is forward. The right hand then slides next to the left in a normal grip to give a two-hand downward slash, followed by a left two-hand thrust (left hand leading, right hand directing) to a middle target.

Sequence 6

Right guard 2 ; cross-step and deliver an instep kick with the right foot, stick held vertically with the left hand uppermost, right hand below; side-of-foot kick with the left, stick held vertically, but with the right hand above and left below; jumping side-of-foot kick with the right; jumping forward with the right foot leading, keeping the stick in the same vertical hold (Figs. 43-53).  Bring the right foot behind the left and about-face to the right; give a two-hand slash from the right to an upper target, with the right foot forward; give a right two-hand thrust to a middle target; deliver a right spring-slash. Now make a left forward roll, stick held with both hands, and make a right heel spear as you stand up (see p. 68) ; set your right foot behind the left and about-face to the right, delivering a right two-hand reverse slash, then resuming left guard 2. Get into right guard 2 (Figs. 54, 55). Now start the same series of sequences on the other side: begin Sequence 1 in right guard 2 and reverse the instructions for all the following techniques.



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