Home of America's first Mixed Martial Art Training Method for the Entire Family COMSEK 3
HEEL HOOK In contrast to the previous technique, which utilizes the bottom of the heel, this one makes use of the back of the heel right below the Achilles tendon. Lift forward (left) leg to the oblique forward right, knee slightly bent and toes in extension. Leg remains loose. Arms are positioned as follows: Right arm is bent in line with the body, nails of right fist facing performer, while left fist is in front of the heart, left elbow protecting the left side. Bend left knee and deliver kick with a whipping circular motion to the left. Return fast to the left B.T.S. facing opponent. You may also deliver this kick with the rear (right) foot as follows: Pivot to the left on left foot and lift the right while reversing the position of the arms. Bring the right leg in front of the left, in an oblique leftward direction. Right leg is kept loose. Lift and bend it sufficiently to gather momentum delivering the kick with a circular whipping motion to the right. Pull leg back fast and return to the left B.T.S. Note that the isometric punch need not be used here. Key Points Supporting leg is kept straight. Avoid bending the knee. Attacking leg should bend enough for the whipping action with which this kick is delivered, but no more than about 90°. This kick must be delivered in line with the body. Avoid letting the momentum of the kick carry you further, since this will impair your balance and give an opening to your opponent. Heel hooks are mostly used to deflect and parry other kicks, while scoring against opponent as stopkicks and counters. HEEL HOOK-Front Foot Delivery ![]() ![]() Left Full-Distance B.T.S. Ready" Position ![]() "Delivery" Position HEEL HOOK - Rear Foot Delivery ![]() ![]() Preparation Ready Position ![]() Delivery Position
![]() Side-of-Foot Flying Kick - "Delivery" Position FLYING KICKS These spectacular kicks are not recommended for kickboxing competition because they are hard to control and because of the inherent vulnerability of the performer's position should he miss. They are not necessary for effective kickboxing self defense, but we consider them as excellent training exercises. It is possible to deliver flying direct and flying side-of-foot kicks. It is also possible to initiate the jump with the front foot and kick with the rear foot, or to initiate the jump with the rear foot and kick with the front foot. We describe here the flying side-of-foot kick. Start from the left B.T.S. as for a jumping kick and after your right foot has touched the floor, group both feet and jump as high as you can in the direction of the target. At the pinnacle of your trajectory, fold the left foot in front of the groin as you thrust out your right foot for a side-of-foot kick to the target. For maximum delivery power, bring the right knee as close as possible to the chest. Retract the attacking foot close to the body before landing on your toes as gently as you can. Key Points Line up your hip with the target during the initial step, else it is quite easy to miss. The initial step, together with the spring action of your hips, ankles and knees, will determine the height of your leap and its forward momentum toward the target. The strength of these joints will directly influence your ability to deliver strong and accurate flying kicks. Jump as high as you can and tense the abdominal and hip muscles when airborne. As in most kicks, do not lean back more than necessary, rather, try to lean somewhat in the direction of the kick. Make sure to bring the attacking leg close to the body before landing, in order to maintain balance and reduce your vulnerability. The ankle and foot of the attacking leg must be tensed and the knee must be briefly locked in the extended delivery position, when the other foot comes in front of the groin. Master first all other kicks before you start working on the flying kicks. COMSEK III: THE STAR; KICKING IN ALL DIRECTIONS WITH ONE FOOT This Comsek presupposes the mastery of the previous ones. It is performed standing on one foot and develops a tremendous sense of balance and body-shifting ability. Like the previous ones this Comsek starts from the ... Left B.T.S.: All kicks are performed with the right foot, shifting the body by using the right leg as a flywheel and pivoting on the ball of the left foot. Right Foot Kicks: 1. Low direct kick in the direction you are facing. 2. Side-of-foot kick at 180° of the initial direction. 3. Instep kick at 60° of the initial direction. 4. Heel spear at 240° of the initial direction. 5. Circular kick at 120° of the initial direction. 6. Heel hook at 180° of the initial direction. 7. High direct kick at 300° of the initial direction. 8. Jumping side-of-foot kick at 240° of the initial direction. 9. Bring kicking (right) foot behind supporting foot, group them and deliver a right flying kick at 60° of the initial direction. Land in the Right B.T.S. and start the whole sequence again with the ... Left Foot Kicks: ... Use isometric punches where applicable. Continue for five more complete Comsek III sequences. ![]()
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