Home of America's first Mixed Martial Art Training Method for the Entire Family Red II
4.0 RED BELT SECOND GRADE PROGRAM Requirements: All the previous, plus techniques #11 to 20 inclusive. PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM: Defenses against ten major unarmed attacks from the front emphasizing the use of the five principles and the repetitive use of simple motions for very effective self-defense. Continue refining kicking combinations in straight and circular lines. 4.1 MAJOR UNARMED ATTACKS FROM THE FRONT #11. One Hand Lapel Grab and Pull with Intent to Strike. (Fig. 11-1,2,3,4,5,6) We are now entering the subject of major attacks. Whenever the case warrants it, we are first describing what can be done preventively then we see what can be done after the preventive attempt has failed because poorly timed. This approach is not found commonly outside ASP. Evasive techniques have been chosen to be as simple and versatile as possible. Because of their applicability to a wide variety of attacks, we use them repeatedly to create conditioned reflexes. Some common attacks seem to have been omitted. The reason for this is brevity, since they can be easily related to attacks described here. The attempted attack is indicated as "before", and the attack proper as "secured". "Before." As A's left hand is about to reach him, D bends hack his torso, leading A to commit himself fully to the direction of his attack. Then, D takes a short step to the right, pivots on the ball of the right foot toward his rear left, while deflecting A's wrist with his right hand, arm fully extended. D secures a light grip on A's left wrist, shifts his weight on his left foot, and attacks the upper outer part of A's left knee with a right side-of-foot kick. CAUTION!! Notice that D is now on the left side of A, safe from another similar attack. This technique is also applicable against the beginnings of attack with two hands. "Secured". A has secured a left grip on D's lapel (either one) and pulls. D does not resist, but deflects the pull by sliding his right foot to A's right side in a large step, hips leading, torso as straight as possible. In this strong posture, D must have his right knee bent, toes of the left foot pointing slightly inward, to the right, as he pulls A's left sleeve down. If A is not wearing a jacket, D applies a downward pressure on the inside of A's left elbow with a slash of his right forearm. During this maneuver D protects his left side and face by an upward sweeping motion of his left arm, at the end of which his left fist is close to the left ear. This motion should be regarded as primarily defensive; after mastering it, however, the student may chose to strike simultaneously with his elbow the solar plexus, the ribs, the chin, or the face of his opponent. This depends on their relative physiques and positions. The harder A pulls the harder he gets hit. D now changes the position of his forearm from vertical to horizontal and strikes A's windpipe, or upper lip, with the bony part of his forearm (ulnar) in order to break his balance backward and set him up for the throw which follows: D lifts the left knee as high as possible and drives his left leg between A's legs, through A's crotch, high from the rear, until it is completely extended from hip to toes. This is a continuous sharp motion which A performs while dropping the hips and stretching the body forward. A is violently thrown. There is no sweeping or winding motion, but only a complete extension of the body from head to toes. This throw can be performed from any position of A's feet. During A's fall, D secures a grip on his left arm by the wrist or sleeve, which he pulls up as A lands on the mat. Thus A is placed in a retaliation position similar to technique #10. Simultaneous extension of A's arm as he hits the ground is essential for proper control. The throw described here is the "Leg Drive" and can be performed by D upon applying pressure on A's windpipe or chin, either with the bony part of the forearm (ulnar), or with the heel of the hand, depending on their relative build. In all cases the blow, or pressure, is applied in a lifting motion in order to break A's balance backward. ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() #12. Double Lapel Grab with Intent to Butt with Head or Shake. (Fig 12-1,2,3) "Before" A reaches to grab D by the lapels. D takes a short step back with the right foot, bends the torso backwards just as A is about to reach him, and thrusts his hands toward A's ears, so that the outside of his forearms comes in contact with the inside of A's forearms. Then, taking a big step with the right foot toward A's left, D defects A's attack with his extended arms in a wide outward and forward circular movement. D should use his weight as he steps forward, making it bear on A's arms, while keeping his own arms fully extended. Else, he will undoubtedly fail against a stronger opponent. Simultaneously. D pivots on the right foot toward the outside his left. D is now lifting A's left forearm with his right forearm and controls it with his extended right thumb. When A's arm is high enough to make his left side vulnerable, D retaliates with a right elbow jab to A's side. This technique is an example of the "Swimming Deflection" typical of ASP. It is also applicable against one hand reaching attacks. "Secured." A has secured a grip on D's two lapels. Immediately D slides his left foot back, bends his knees deeply and brings his bent right arm, elbow foremost, in front of his face to ward against a possible butting attack. D does not resist A's pull, but uses it to increase the impact of the blow he delivers with the side of his right fist under A's right ear. Then D grasps A's right sleeve* with his left hand, pulls it straight down, and performs the "Leg Drive" applying pressure on A's chin with the heel of hand, or on A's windpipe with the bony part (ulnar) of his right forearm. He uses a lifting motion to break A's balance backward. +Alternatively, he may kick A's shinbone, knee or groin. ![]() ![]()
#13. Sleeve Grab and Pull. (Fig 13-1) "Before" As A starts grabbing D's sleeve with his left hand, D jumps lithely to his right side leading with the right foot, his left foot falling behind it in line with A's feet. With a circular motion. D swings his right arm upwards, out and around A's left arm from right to left (counter clockwise). Then I) brings his right arm down in a cutting motion as if he were holding an ax. Simultaneously he drops the hips and slides away from A, keeping his torso straight. This breaks A's grip very easily. The technique must be performed with broad and continuous motions. "Secured" A has secured a grip and pulls D in order to make him pivot and hit him in the face. D does not resist the pull, and deflects it by sliding backward his right foot, to A's left, while deeply bending the knees. D pivots to face A, lifting for protection, both arms bent at the elbow, fists at ear level, and proceeds with a "leg Drive". The position leading to the "leg Drive" is similar to Fig 11-4. ![]() #14. Sleeve Grab and Forward Push. "Before." Identical to #13. "Secured." As A pushes D forward, D relaxes and jumps sideways and forward in the general direction A is pushing, but faster than A's push. He waits for A to catch up with him, as he cocks his right knee for a side-of-foot kick, or a leg spear. The hold is broken as a result of this kick. #15. Belt Grab and Forward Pull with Intent to Strike. "Before." Similar to #I11. By the time A is committed to his attack, but just before he touches D's belt, D pulls in his abdomen and swiftly pivots around and to the outside, his left. With his right hand, D deflects A's arm and lightly grasps A's left wrist, retaliating as in # 11. D must not attempt to grasp A's wrist outright, or he may fail. He must first establish contact with A's arm, then let his hand slide down to A's wrist. *see techn. # 11. "Secured." With his left hand, A has secured a tight grip on D's belt and pulls him forward, intending to strike. D does not resist, but thrusts his hips forward, deflecting A's pull by sliding his right foot to A's left side, protecting himself and performing the "Leg Drive" as in # 11. #16. Hair Grab. (Fig 16-1,2,3,4) "Before." Similar to #11, with the difference that D moves his head back to evade the attack. "Secured." A has secured a grip on D's hair with his left hand and pulls him down with the intention to hit him in the face, either with his right fist, or with his left knee. D does not resist but deflects A's pull, by sliding his right foot outside A's left foot. D protects his face against a possible kneeing by folding the right forearm in front of his abdomen, right wrist facing down. D braces the latter with the back of his left elbow held perpendicularly to it, so that his left forearm and fist protect the left side of his face and neck. Simultaneously, D kneels on his left knee in front of A's left foot and, always keeping the right forearm in contact with A's left leg, D punches A's groin with his left fist. Such combined action prevents A from hitting D in the face and keeps A's knee from gathering too much momentum. D performs the "Knee Throw" as follows: He grasps A's left heel as low as possible with the right hand, and throws him by applying a hard blow, not a push*, with the left elbow against the inner upper side of A's left knee, while simultaneously pulling on A's left heel. As he falls, D passes A's left heel from the right hand to the left and runs around A's body toward the side of A's head. D is now facing the same direction as A, and has a choice of kicking retaliations. D must make sure not to pull with his right arm on A's leg, else A will pivot and D will not be able to take the advantageous position described above. D's arm must be relaxed, his function being mainly one of connecting rod. *The "Knee Throw" is a versatile throw which can be used in many situations. For instance, against a lapel grab by A, D may drop straight down on a knee and perform the "Knee Throw" as described. ![]() ![]()
#17. Front Bearhug Over Arms. (Fig 17-1,2) "Before." D responds by clasping his hands together, fingers not crossed, knuckles foremost, and delivers a blow to A's sternum or solar plexus. The intensity of the blow is augmented by A's momentum. D uses the created reaction to perform the "Swimming Deflection" and to retaliate as in #12. "Secured." D turns his head to the left and strikes below A's floating ribs simultaneously with both fists, palms facing up. D then stomps his right heel against A's left instep, scraping A's shinbone in the process. Then he takes a short step back with his left foot, dropping the hips and lifting his bent elbows high, forearms perpendicular to the ground. D pivots on the right foot to his rear left, simultaneously pushing A's arms to the right, out of the way. To achieve this, he places his right palm under A's left elbow, so that A's left side is now open to retaliation. ![]() ![]() #18. Front Bearhug Under Arms. (Fig 18-1) "Before." As in # 17. "Secured." The beginning is the same as in #17. After delivering the stomping, D uses A's reaction to strike or push A's chin up with the heel of his right hand, keeping his right forearm as close to A's chest as possible. Then he puts his left hand around A's head and either inserts his middle finger into A's mouth between A's left cheek and teeth, or claws A's left face and eye, or grasps and pulls A's left ear. In training, however, D places his open hand against A's cheek and nose and pulls gently. D twists A's head to the left with a concerted action of both hands. The result is to break A's balance toward his rear right. D now turns the hips to the left and throws A with a "Leg Drive," using the concerted action of his body and arms. Retaliation, if necessary, is carried out as previously described. Note that at D's discretion, this technique may be relatively mild or very severe. *In training, make gentle contact. ![]() #19. Front Head Lock. (Fig 19-1,2,3,4,5) The attack can be dangerous and even fatal by extension of D's cervical vertebrae, should A succeed in lifting him. "Before". By far the best defense. Due to the rather wide movements necessitated, D has nearly always a good chance to foil A's attack before it is secured. This is achieved by lifting a bent arm on the side of the attack, forearm perpendicular to the ground, while pivoting away from the attack. The initial backward motion of the body to insure A's commitment should not be omitted. Retaliation with a side-of-foot kick on A's knee. "Secured." D's head is held by A's right arm. D immediately pushes on A's right leg just above the knee with his left hand, arm fully extended. This will prevent A from lifting D. D strikes A's groin with his right fist and drops on the left knee, simultaneously twisting his body and head to the right. To get the hold on his head released, D inserts his right hand near A's wrist and pushes it away. This combined brusk downward motion will free D's hand from a very strong grip. D slides now his left hand low behind A's heel and applies a "Knee Throw." D increases its power by setting his right knee on the ground and taking a short forward step with the left foot. A variation of the "Knee Throw", the "Groin Throw", consists in punching A's groin upwards while D's hand pulls on A's heel. It is a very severe technique. ![]() ![]()
![]() #20. Shove Against Chest of Shoulder. (Fig 20-1) The technique described below, applies either to a fast jerky shove, or to a steady push with one, or two hands. D retreats with the left, then with the right foot, to get A's commitment. Bending the elbow against the body, he lifts his right forearm, fist closed, and deflects A's attack by pivoting to the rear left on the ball of his right foot. A is carried forward by his momentum and, as his unprotected left side passes by D, the latter retaliates with a side-of-fist punch to the side or the nose, or with a side-of-foot kick to the knee. D must not attempt to reach for A's arms with his right forearm, which must stay as close to his body as possible; he should pivot around it as a door around its hinges. ![]()
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