The American Self Protection Association, Inc. Home of America's first Mixed Martial Art Training Method for the Entire Family Red V
7.0 RED BELT FIFTH GRADE PROGRAM Requirements: All the previous, plus techniques #41 to 50 inclusive. PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM: Defenses against armed attacks, knife (continued). Starting the study of defenses against handgun. Defenses against miscellaneous attacks and several attackers not included earlier. Application of rolls in self-defense. Same guidelines. #41. Knife Thrust. (Fig 41-1,2,3) A is holding a knife in the right hand and attacks D with a thrust directed to the abdomen. Using the principle of attack commitment, D moves first the threatened part of the body away from, then around and to the outside of the thrust (to D's right in this case) and catches with his left hand, from above, A's right wrist as it passes by. D must not attempt to grasp A's wrist outright, or he will most likely miss. All D has to do is to establish contact with A's right forearm, and then slide his hand down to grasp the wrist from above. With extended left arm, D pivots to the rear right, leading A's arm in a wide arc. Upon A's reaction to pull back, D does not resist but goes along with it and strikes A's eyes with his right fingers. As A retracts his right arm to protect his eyes, D moves in lifting A's arm with both hands straight above and behind his right shoulder, in order to throw him with a "Leg Drive". D disarms A as previously. +When D masters the proper movement, he may throw A with a continuous motion of his arms without using his leg. D may also perform this throw by pushing upward with the palm of his right hand A's right elbow in a circular motion directed behind A's head. Alternatively, instead of throwing A, D may knee him to the groin. Like almost all basic ASP techniques, this leads into a variety of locks and chokes.
#42. Attack with a Knife from a Distance. (Fig 42-1,2) A attacks D in a manner indicating training in knife handling. A tries to create an opening with his left hand in order to stab D with the right, switching perhaps hands at the last moment so as to confuse him, D is in real danger because he faces an expert and he may have to chose the lesser of two evils: the possibility of a knife wound anywhere above the groin, which may be fatal, or the possibility of injuring his legs. Statistically, the latter is less dangerous. D must now use all his powers of observation and timing. Should he guess which hand will strike, and if the distance is right, he may have a chance to jump to the side and apply #41. In the process of jumping to the side, D protects his body with a tight circular motion of his forearm deflecting the knife thrust to the outside. For instance, if D jumps to A's right with his left foot, he deflects A's right handed thrust with a counter clockwise motion of his right forearm and retaliates with a side-of-foot kick to the side of A's right knee. Alternatively, when A lunges, D evades by jumping back and around as for the jumping dodge*. When A gets ready for a renewed attack by pulling back the blade, D yells and lunge rolls aiming a kick straight at A's groin. Should the kick land, it will end the contest right there. Note that only the lunge-roll should be used, D's body must roll as close to the ground as possible, below A's line of thrust. This technique will prove to the student the importance of the lunge-roll. Should D land between A's legs, he can also throw him and severely injure A's knee by one of the defenses on the ground #1, #2, or #3. In case D misses, he should side roll and get up, ready to kick again. Timing for the "Rolling Kick" is of the essence. By practicing with a rubber knife, D will soon be able to time his retaliation accurately. 7.1 HANDGUN Disarming an opponent holding a gun is difficult and dangerous. Against a capable gunman it is almost impossible. In all cases you can be successful only if he makes the following mistakes: 1. He comes within the reach of your hands or feet. 2. He allows you to distract him somehow, for instance, by moving about, or looking behind him. The techniques described here are to be used in desperation when you believe that you are not going to be spared, or when the opponent attempts to tie you up. Indeed, you will be then be completely at his mercy with no guarantee that he is going to spare you. It is easy to see that the first condition for a successful defensive technique against a handgun is good judgment and good evaluation of the situation. Other prerequisites are: 1. Use the most appropriate technique. 2. Get out of the line of fire in less than 1/2 second, which is average person's reaction time. 3. Get hold of the gun, or of the hand holding it, by the shortest and most direct motions, after you are out of the line of fire. You must try to control it throughout the technique from then on. 4. Execute the technique as quickly as possible and STRIKE THE EYES at the FIRST opportunity. 5. Use good psychology in leading your opponent to believe that you are ready to comply. Lull him into overconfidence. 6. Look `through' his upper chest as if he were made out of glass. Your secondary vision will then encompass all his body. DO NOT look A T the gun. However, keep your eyes on the gun after you have secured a grip on it, or on the hand holding it. 7. Relax shoulders, hips and knees. Initiate all moves from the hips and remain well balanced throughout the technique. 8. Finally, keep in mind that some knowledge of handguns is helpful. Secure it. *pg. 53 # 43. Hold-Up with a Handgun at Half-Distance. (Fig 43-1,2,3,4,5) A holds up D at arm's length in a typical situation. D lifts his arms so that the elbows are in line with the shoulders, in order to indicate his willingness to comply with A's orders without really jeopardizing his chances of success. D must not look at the the gun but straight ahead through A's chest. His field of vision will thus encompass A's hand and gun. To increase his speed of action, D relaxes the body, particularly the hips. He attempts to direct A's attention by focusing momentarily his gaze behind A's left shoulder and by using an almost imperceptible motion of the right fingers. Assuming A takes the bait, D starts his evasive motion from the hips, followed closely by the legs. He pivots to the rear right, his right foot describing a wide arc. As D's hips start moving, his left hand drops on A's right forearm and slides to grasp A's hand from above, thumb on the base of A's pinky and fingers around his thumb. D extends A's arm leading it in a wide circular leftward motion and, upon A's reaction to pull back, pursues as in #41. The gun is taken away after kicking A. D must yell while performing this technique in order to distract A and to protect his own eardrums in case the gun is fired.
#44. Hold-Up with a Handgun at a Distance. (Fig 44-1,2,3,4,5) A holds D at such distance that the above technique is impossible. The situation is almost hopeless, particularly against a capable gunman. However, if D is desperate, and feels that he is not going to be spared anyway, and if the distance is not too great, he still has a chance to survive. This is an advanced technique included to demonstrate that even in such apparently hopeless cases there is still a possibility of protection. This technique depends on the fact that it is hard to shoot accurately an object falling below the horizontal as determined by one's hip line. D looks through A's chest as in #43 and then, suddenly, focuses his gaze behind A's left shoulder, as if he were looking at someone; at the same time he makes an almost imperceptible motion with the fingers of his right hand in order to divert momentarily A's attention. If A takes the bait, D uses the fraction of a second during which he is distracted and, in a rotary motion to the outside of the gun's line of fire, he takes a big leap to his forward left at about 45° of that line. He then lunges for A's right knee, corresponding to the hand holding the guts. while emitting simultaneously a long sustained yell. Note the zigzag motion to reach A's knee. D thus offers a limited target and has about a 50% chance to get away with a grazing wound rather than a lethal one. D applies a "Knee Throw" on A's right knee. As A starts falling, D introduces his right arm under A's left leg and thrusts it in the direction of A's head. D ducks under A's leg and goes for the hand holding the gun. D may also approach A from the right, without this maneuver, however, this method is less desirable. The reason for this maneuver is to approach A in such manner that he cannot shoot D without taking the risk of shooting himself. D goes for A's right wrist with his right hand first, then with his left and immobilizes it against the ground. Keeping A's right wrist under control with his left hand, D strikes A in the eyes with the fingers of his right hand and disarms him. *Should the distance be greater, a lunge-roll to the side away from the gunman, followed by running in zigzag pattern interrupted by lunge-rolls will afford D a chance of survival.
#45. Gun Whiplash to Face. A attempts to whip D on the head with a handgun. The situation is similar to #39 and is handled accordingly. #46. Hold-Up from Behind. (Fig 46-1,2,3,4,5,6) A holds-up D from behind. D attempts to look which hand is holding the gun. However, this is not necessary provided D can make sure that A really holds the gun against his back and not A's finger. D may also resort to another way of finding out if this is the case. He lifts his arms, elbows shoulder high, relaxes, and leans lightly against the object on his back. A's natural reaction would be to push back and unless D wears heavy clothing, he will generally be able to tell between the hard impact of the metal and the relatively soft impact of a finger. If D has any doubts he should refrain from using the following techniques. Before he tries them he must be sure that the gun is against his back. Once he is sure of this, he does not have to know whether A holds the gun with the right hand, or with the left. I. A Holds the Gun with the Right Hand. Starting the movement from the hips, D pivots to the right, on the heel of the right foot, and drops the right arm EXTENDED at about 30° angle from his right side. This is a slashing downward motion and, as D continues his pivoting action, he wraps his right forearm around A's right forearm, folding it against his own chest with a counter clockwise slash against the inside of A's right elbow joint. D protects his face and further gets hold of the gun from below with his left hand. His fingers are wrapped around the trigger, muzzle and barrel (if any) and his thumb prevents the hammer (if any) from dropping. Such grip will prevent a revolver or a gun with hammer from being fired. At this point, D drives his right knee to A's groin and may throw him with a "Leg Drive" D takes the gun, upon A's reaction to his retaliation, by tearing it away from the weakest part of A's grip, so that the handle slips between the thumb and the fingers. D yells as he performs this technique. II. A Holds the Gun in his Left Hand. The same pivoting and deflecting motions are used here. D yells as he strikes A's eyes with the left fingers and controls tightly A's left arm between his right forearm and chest. D knees A to the groin with his left knee and, upon his reaction, throws him with a "Leg Drive", following him in his fall by dropping on the left knee. D disarms A by pulling the gun away as before.
7.2 MISCELLANEOUS #47. Downward Attack with a Chair. (Fig 47-1,2) This technique develops the sense of timing. A grabs a chair from his left side and lifts it above his head in order to strike D an overhead blow. D jumps with his left foot to A's right side bending deep by the left knee and extending the right leg in front of A's legs. D's right arm extends behind A's legs and his right hand grabs A's left lower calf as his left hand grabs A's lower right shin. D pushes A towards his own (D's) back simultaneously lifting and blocking A's legs. As A, carried by his own momentum and D's push, falls face down, D gets up and either moves away from A, or retaliates with kicks. This technique is dangerous when practiced with a chair. In training, A goes through the motions of attacking D without a chair and ends with a forward breakfall. *A forward roll on either side of A will also take D away from the danger zone and place him behind A. #48. Encirclement by Several Opponents. (Fig 48-1) The object here is to avoid physical contact and to avoid being cornered. This technique develops the sense of distance and timing. Training to use the "Rolling Kick": A stands in front of D and extends his right hand to the right, level with his groin, palm facing D. D yells and lungerolls kicking A's hand (assuming that it is A's groin) during the last part of the roll. This exercise develops D's sense of distance; after he masters it, D is ready for the technique proper. Several participants encircle D in an attempt to corner him against a wall. D yells, fakes an attack on one assailant by extending his right arm toward his eyes and lungerolls between his opponents. He kicks back using a "Heel Spear" as he gets up, to ward against an attack from the rear. D rolls wherever he sees an opening. When this technique is correctly performed, D cannot be stopped by his opponents, even though they know his intentions. The most common mistake is to wait too long before rolling. Finally, D uses this technique against repeated attacks by three or four opponents until he is either caught by them, or becomes exhausted. The importance of such training cannot be overemphasized. #49. Running Attack from Behind. (Fig 49-1,2) Here again is a technique chosen in preference to others, because it develops the sense of timing. If D expects an attack from behind his best bet is to turn around and face his assailant, or, at shorter distance, pivot to the side and kick him. In this case the assailant is upon D, and has achieved the element of surprise. When D becomes aware of A's attack, he drops straight down with a deep knee bend, twists his torso to the right and, placing his hands flat on the ground, extends his legs completely so that his body is perpendicular to A's. As A starts stumbling over him. D reestablishes himself to his former posture by grouping his legs near his hands and reversing the process, thus imparting further impetus to A's forward fall. D yells while performing this technique which resembles a "burpee". Practice on both sides as usual. If A does not fall forward, he may be easily thrown on his back with a "Knee Throw". #50. Attack While Sitting on a Chair. (Fig 50-1) In this basic technique A approaches D from the front, and it is assumed that there is enough room for D to roll forward. D protects the upper part of his body with crossed arms as illustrated and, depending on the distance, strikes A with a low, or a high direct kick. D must kick in a snappy fashion, not pushing, because A's impact may make him topple backwards. After delivering this kick with the right foot. D directs this foot leftward, to the side, and takes a forward roll which places him away from A's reach and behind his attacker. D yells as he kicks, rolls, and kicks back in the process of getting up. After he gets up, he pivots to face A. This concludes the fifty basic techniques of Somatic ASP. All fifty must be practiced with a partner, first slowly, then faster, the right side immediately followed by the left. After your first retaliation, always be on the alert for renewed attack. At the first sign of such intention, nip it in the bud.
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