The American Self Protection Association, Inc.

Home of America's first Mixed Martial Art Training Method for the Entire Family

Typical Warm-Up

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Below is a brief description and some photos of a typical A.S.P. warm-up session

Enter the training hall with a clear positive mind and attitude.  Try to forget the worries of the busy day and envelop yourself in your training.  All the following exercises should be practice with concentrated balance, deep breathing, and clear mind.

1. Arm Circular:

Standing with left leg slightly forward rotate both extended arms in a circular fashion both forward and backward.  Keep your center of gravity with knees slightly bent and breath deeply (20-30 seconds is generally adequate).  End with arms swinging apart and then crossed to stretch the traps.

2. Arm Swing:

Standing legs about 2 shoulder widths apart, swing both arms right and then left.  This is done first at shoulder height for several repetitions, then about mid arm, and lastly at hip height.  The later should be done with relaxed arms swinging as if they were rope tied to the torso.

3. Hip Rotations:

Standing feet about 1 shoulder width apart, hands on hips rotate in both directions for 15-20 seconds.

4. Knee Rotations:

Standing feet close together, hands on knees rotate in both directions for 15-20 seconds.

5. Front Stretch:

Standing feet about 1 shoulder width apart, bend at the waist and stretch down 30 seconds min.

6. Side Arm Stretch:

Standing legs about 2 shoulder widths apart, stretch one arm over head to left and then right 30 seconds each direction repeat twice.

7. Side Circular Arm Stretch:

Standing legs about 2 shoulder widths apart, stretch both arms (with fingers together) and lean to right, down center, to left, and overhead behind.  Repeat same direction several times, then switch directions.  When arms are overhead attempt to lean back as far as you can while maintaining good balance.  

8. Deep Inhale/Exhale:

Standing legs about 2-3 shoulder widths apart, stretch both arms (with fingers together) and bend at waist down center, lift overhead and behind as far as you can while taking in a deep breath.  Exhale slowly and continuously as you extend your arms forward.  Repeat 3 or 4 times.  

9. Side & Front Leg Stretches:

First, shift weight to the back leg and fully extend the front leg, weight and arms should be forward, switch to other side, do left and then right three or four times for 15-20 seconds, if necessary place hands on knees.   

Second, shift weight to the front leg and fully extend the back leg, switch to other side, do left and then right three or four times for 15-20 seconds, if necessary place hands on knees. [NOTE HIPS TURNING LEFT & RIGHT, FOOT PIVOTING WITH HIPS]  

Lastly, shift weight to the front leg and fully extend the back leg, switch to other side, do left and then right three or four times for 15-20 seconds, if necessary place hands on knees. [NOTE HIPS STRAIGHT AHEAD AND NO FOOT PIVOT]   


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