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A.S.P. SYSTEM: In order to be practical A.S.P. is simple and contains little which is vague or esoteric. Each one of its component parts is self-contained and may be studied independently of the others. All the same, maximum benefits are derived when one follows step by step its progression for reasons we shall explain further. The BASIC A.S.P. program is well-rounded and comprises self-defensive techniques standing and on the ground, against armed and unarmed attacks, kicks and defenses against them. It can be practiced also as a competitive sport. Besides self-defense, it includes special aerobic and psychosomatic exercises for conditioning, mind-body coordination, as well as no-nonsense fundamental knowledge on nutrition, and general attack prevention tactics. Those who do not wish to progress further may stop here and leave with a very useful body of knowledge, which they can retain only with occasional brush-ups. People who had left the practice of A.S.P. for many years (in one case as many as twenty) were amazed how easily their knowledge returned to the point they could apply it effectively in free sparring. To those who wish to advance in rank and expand their knowledge, intermediate and advanced A.S.P. offers techniques in opponent control, kickboxing, grappling, and stickfighting. Basic knowledge on survival, orienteering, first aid, water, fire, and firearm safety is included. They learn also defensive techniques for the handicapped. The self-defensive aspects of A.S.P. which form the bulk of this volume are a radical departure from the oriental systems. The elements of all combative arts were known since time immemorial as we have already mentioned. It is how one uses them and puts them together that makes a difference. Another important difference is that A.S.P. takes into consideration the legal aspects of self-defense by giving one real choices for proportioning the severity of his defense to that of the attack he is under. In order to achieve efficiency with high yields for the effort expended, as well as high degree of retention of the acquired knowledge, A.S.P. works with principles and a small number of versatile elements of motion of wide applicability. Their systematic repetition in a large variety of defensive situations creates conditioned reflexes and these defensive motions become second nature. Thus, as one progresses learning becomes easier, faster, and what has been learned is retained for longer periods of time. It is this approach which gives A.S.P. superiority over other systems in which attention is given piecemeal to each individual technique, rather to a didactic method addressing the whole body of knowledge under study. Besides, most known martial arts are biased in their approach. Rather than using the most appropriate technique for a given situation, they attempt to handle everything with, let us say, punches and kicks, or armlocks and wrist locks, or throws and grappling, and so on. Those who will give the study of A.S.P. a fair chance will soon recognize the superiority of its common sense method, as several "martial artists" already have. A.S.P. is not another "style" but a self-contained system of weaponless defense, combative sports, and a learning method of general applicability to all combative situations. It is based on the systematic use of the five principles that all combative situations involve, a small number of elements of motion of the widest possible applicability, which by repetition become conditioned reflexes, and on mind-body coordination. Martial artists who study A.S.P. with an open mind, soon realize that all knowledge they have acquired is pertinent to A.S.P., but at its proper place within the system. The excellence of the A.S.P. method and system has been recognized by outstanding physical educators in the United States and abroad. The first degree black belt A.S.P. program does not include locks or chokes since they are neither necessary for a basic, well-rounded, efficient self-defense that is accessible to young and old alike, nor for understanding the A.S.P. methodology.Promotional requirements always include the mastery of earlier programs. The examiner may request such demonstration by the student at his option. There are no time in grade requirements in A.S.P.. When one knows the subject matter of his/her program he/she is promoted.
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